Marketing & communication

An ambitious marketing approach as a foundation for your growth ambitions

As a strategic marketing partner, we provide a comprehensive approach with the right expertise; from developing creative concepts to setting up technical advertising campaigns. All while giving your in-house team the necessary breathing space. Get in touch today! Fill out the contactform.



Are you looking for (temporary) support for your marketing team? Unikoo evaluates the skills and experience level required for your company and the task at hand. Depending on your needs, this support can range from 1 to 4 days per week, either on-site or remote, and can include both general and specialized marketing assistance.


Do you want to be relieved of certain tasks at a fixed monthly price? We offer various well-defined packages where we provide strategic support every month or deliver specific outputs (such as social media posts, blogs, etc.).


Are you looking for a qualitative partner to deliver a well-defined marketing project within a specific timeframe and budget? Whether it's a thorough audit, a well-considered strategy, a complete (re)branding, or a new website, Unikoo is the right partner for you.

What makes us
really Unikoo


Technical knowledge and expertise at your fingertips


Flexibility during peaks and troughs in workload


A single point of contact for complete support


A pragmatic approach, tailored to your business


Our successes