Vlaams Energiebedrijf

All kinds of graphic design for Flemish Energy Company

Flemish Energy Company

The Flemish Energy Company (VEB) is a government agency that fights for the climate goals by focusing on efficient energy management in the public sector.

The Project

The Flemish Energy Company (VEB) has a simple but ambitious mission: to exceed the climate goals for the public sector through efficient energy management. And, of course, we are very fond of that mission. Because not only do we love ambitious goals, we also believe that initiatives that contribute to the climate deserve full support.

Graphic & digital design

That is why we support the Flemish Energy Company graphically. We do this on a project basis, but in the long term. In other words: if VEB wants to outsource a graphic design, we are happy to help them out. They already had the basics of their corporate identity. We helped shape it until VEB had all the material needed to maintain consistent visual communication. This is why we always adapt our designs to this. From infographics for the annual report to a PowerPoint template and general printing such as name cards and envelopes, everything is right in the VEB picture.

How do we work to do this? The communication manager of the Flemish Energy Company always provides us with an extensive briefing. This is what we will then get to work on. We designed an icon set that we can use over and over again, and that VEB employees also have at their disposal for all their documents and communications. Based on the corporate identity, which defines logos, fonts and color codes, among other things, we create appropriate designs. Is there anything missing? Then we'll design everything we need for a catchy design. Always according to their corporate identity, yet always innovative.

Do you need a fixed point of contact for all your graphic design, in line with your corporate identity? Then you've come to the right place. On the other hand, do you initially need a corporate identity? Then you can also join our graphics team.

Contact us without obligation!

06044CB7-43DA-428A-8A72-2F46D99A5D1D Created with sketchtool.
E83DD3F4-AAD6-41C7-B872-85385D10F602 Created with sketchtool.
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